
MultiCast Messages to multiple clients on the same machine

Im trying to write a server/service that broadcasts a message on the lan ever second or so, Kind of like a service discovery. The message needs to be received by multiple client programs that could be on the same machine or different machines. But there could be more than one program on each machine running at the same time...

Detecting HTTP client used with HTTP Server ?

Hi all, I used the same request with 2 differents client HTTP. One is accepted by server (java request in IE) and not the other (Indy Client in Delphi software) ? Is there a way to detect the request difference between the two request ? Is there a way to hide I use Indy ? Best regards ...

Indy FTP, large files and NAT routers

Hello! I have been using Indy to transfers files via FTP for years now but have not been able to find a satisfactory solution for the following problem. When a user is uploading a large file, behind a router, sometimes the following happens: the file is uploaded OK, but in the mean time the command channel gets disconnected because of ...

Sample Application - Amazon S3 / Indy / Delphi

I am looking for an example application to store objects to Amazon S3 using INDY components. Any help much appreciated. Phillip ...

Why can't I fetch an AOL captcha image in my Delphi program?

New demo code: I am trying to get the captcha image from a AOL, and i keep getting an error 418. unit imageunit; /// /// h t t p s:// /// interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, ...

Delphi: Why does IdHTTP.ConnectTimeout make requests slower?

I discovered that when setting the ConnectTimeoout property for a TIdHTTP component, it makes the requests (GET and POST) become about 120ms slower? Why is this, and can I avoid/bypass this somehow? Env: D2010 with shipped Indy components, all updates installed for D2010. OS is WinXP (32bit) SP3 with most patches... My timing routine...

Indy TCP Server - Handle OnDisconnect allready deleted?

Hi guys, I have a delphi application with a Indy TCPServer and TCPClient I use the AContext.Bindind.Handle for the identification of each connection (wrong?). So I have a grid which displayed the connections and I will remove the entry after disconnection: procedure TfrmMain.serverIndyDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); var I:Integer; b...

delphi post 'illegal access' error

hello all I'm making some simple Delphi software using the IdHttp module in Indy. I want to access this page by using IdHttp's post function to open this webpage. Firstly I have to log in, (at, so I logged in, but after I logged in to the webpage I can see another login page. But when I t...

What does Indy's HandleRedirect do?

I'm having some trouble reading files with Indy from a site that has WordPress installed. It appears that the site is configured to redirect all hits to sitename/com/wordpress. Can I use HandleRedirect to turn that off so I can read files from the root folder? What is the normal setting for this property? Any downsides to using it fo...

Connecting to Squid server using NTLM auth with Indy components

Hi, Has anybody managed to successfully connect to a https location via Squid proxy server setup with NTLM authentication, using Indy (10.XX) components? I can successfully connect to http locations, however with https Indy returns an EAbort error. Also, I can access http/https equally well if I use FreeProxy as the proxy server (with...

Sending binary data with Indy through TCP\IP, how?

Hello. How to send a binary data with Indy components? Which of them is most suitable for this task? I've tried to use TIdTcpClient but it allows only to send strings. I've found one reponce for that problem here but I don't get it. It says about method Write(TIdBytes), but the answer is not clear for me. Does he meant Write to some in...

Download, pause and resume an download using Indy components

Actually i'm using the TIdHTTP component for download a file from internet. i'm wondering if is possible pause and resume the download using this component o maybe another indy component. this is my current code, this works ok for download a file (without resume), but . now i want pause the download close my app ,and when my app restart...

Getting Response from TIdHttp with Error Code 400

I have been writing a Delphi library for StackApps API. I have run into a problem with Indy. I am using the version that ships with Delphi 2010. If you pass invalid parameters to one of the StackApps API it will return a HTTP Error Code 400 and then in the response it will contain a JSON object with more details. By visiting http://a...

How to simulate a dial-up connection for testing purposes?

I have to code a server app where clients open a TCP/IP socket, send some data and close the connection. The data packets are small < 100 bytes, however there is talk of having them batch their transactions and send multiple packets. How can I best simulate a dial-up ut connection (using Delphi & Indy components, just FYI)? Is it as s...

Do not use IE browser settings when using a proxy with Indy

Hi At one of our customer sites, we have a Delphi 2007 application that makes a number of HTTPS requests using indy components. All requests are made using the proxy settings the client provides. For this to work, in IE we have to put the URL's in the trusted zones section. After a month due to security settings the trusted zones are cl... and offset confusion

this is a code snippet taken from if FileExists(dstFile) then begin Fs := TFileStream.Create(dstFile, fmOpenReadWrite); try Fs.Seek(Max(0, Fs.Size-1024), soFromBeginning); // alternatively: // Fs.Seek(-1024, soFromEnd); Http.Request.Range := IntToStr(Fs.Pos...

Suggtestions for sending e-mail notifications from a 2 tier application with client potentially not connected to the internet.

I have to add e-mail notifications to a client server application. Notifications happen as the user do some particular action on the client UI. If I had a middle tier or a service running at server I can imagine how to do it: 1) I simply create a DB tables with "pending notifications" 2) as a user does an action that generates a noti...

how can i manage connections in Indy ? (Delphi)

Hi , i am writing a simple client/server chat program with indy 10 (blocking mode) and there is a question that how can i manage connections ? for example imagine a user that is online on server , we must make a connection tunnel for future requests . In other words, when a user is online server should not need username and password for ...

Indy is not working anymore after update

I had all kind of problems with Indy and following someone’s recommendations (at stackoverflow) I have updated to the latest version of Indy - at least this is what I intended to do. Before starting the installation, I have manually deleted all files containing the "indy" word from my Delphi and from registry. Then I have followed the ...

Step by step upgrade of Indy 10 in Delphi 2009

Can someone help in telling the details on how to uninstall Indy 10 and install the latest build? I found it There is a similar question, but not a satisfying answer, just some comments from the user who asked, but that is not a step by step guide. Why there is not a tool for this? ...