
Custom implementation of TreeModel refuses to repaint after call to treeNodesInserted

I'm using a custom TreeModel for a JTree. I have an issue when I insert a new node into my TreeModel, and then call treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) on all my TreeModelListeners. I think the issue has to do with the fact that JTree.TreeModelHandler has no implementation for treeNodesInserted(e), only treeStructureChanged(e) obviously ...

JTree : leaf icon replaced by bullets !

Hello, I did some package and jar refactoring in my application and now I have several look&feel issues. - The one which is easier to explain is that in JTree (embedded within a JXTreeTable), I no longer have "leaf" (file) icon but gray bullet instead... - Another one is that the default font in TextArea became 'Courier', I hade to for...

JTree keep expanding problem

I want to keep my jTree file expanded. I using below code to expand the jTree : public void expandAll(JTree tree) { int row = 0; while (row < tree.getRowCount()) { tree.expandRow(row); row++; } } It works, but when I add in new file or delete file the jtree collapse back. How can keep the jTree expanded? ...

JTree create new file make it selected

I want to make it like when I click a button, it will create a new file. Then the jTree will highlight the new file. Below are my code. Currently I create new file, i will show the new file but no highlight the file. class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { private FileNode root; public FileTreeModel(String directory) { root = ne...

JTree TreePath casting problem

I got this casting problem java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.io.File, when I trying to do this TreePath p = new TreePath(new Object[] {"src","file","My Diary" }); This is my jtree file model class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { private FileNode root; public FileTreeModel(String directory) { root = new FileNode(dir...

How to highlight the new created file in JTree

I want to make it like when I click a button, it will create a new file. Then the jTree will highlight the new file. Below are my code. Currently I create new file, i will show the new file but no highlight the file. class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { private FileNode root; public FileTreeModel(String directory) { root = ne...

java jtree redisplay tooltip for every item after a delay

When a tool tip is displayed on a tree and the mouse is moved the tooltip stays visible and the text changes. Is it possible to hide the tool tip and redisplay it when the mouse moves from one item to the next. ...

Java how to display the JTree File model if the application is jar file format.

I had an application with JTree will display the file in certain directory. After i export this application to jar file. The JTree can not read the file from the directory. Any idea? ...

JTree File model doesn't work after export to jar file

I had a jTree file model root set to "file/" all works fine, when the application export to jar file, it can't works. Any idea why does it happen? ...

Jtree to XML convertion and viceversa

How to Convert a Jtree To Xml and Xml back to a Jtree.what is the Procedure and anybody please let me know Thank u ...

keycode for ctrl

For multiple selection in a Jtree,I am using multiple selection mode in it.It works.But I want to know when i am making multiple selection exactly in this tree to do this i wrote a very simple keycontroller class that implements KeyListener, but i wanna check whether ctrl is pressed or not to do so i am using this code but it seems to be...

JTree check for duplicate categories

I'm trying to generate a JTree based on a database result set. I get Category | Name -------- | ---- A | 1 B | 2 A | 3 from the database. How can I add the category to the JTree only if needed? I'd like the tree to look like: [Root] [Category A] Child 1 Child 3 [Category B] ...

Why are TreePath constructed by Object[] instead of TreeNode[]?

From the Java API, it seems that nodes of a JTree are instances of TreeNode. In addition, all TreePaths returned seems to be instances of TreeNode. So, why are TreePaths represented by Object[] instead of TreeNode[]? This give raise to inconvenience when using these classes. Thanks. ...

How to search in JTree/xml

I am creating a JTree from an xml file. Q: I have to implement a search functionality . I have done it using JTree and I have observed that its too slow and my tree is quite heavy. Q. Please suggest if I can implement using xml file ...

Problem with JPopupMenu in a JTree

Hi guys I have this issue. In a custom JTree I implemented a JPopupMenu to display different JMenuItem according to the node selected using a MouseListener. The JPopupMenu is shown when the mouse right button is clicked. The problem is that if I don’t choose an Item from the PopupMenu but instead I select another node in the tree, eithe...

JTree set handle visible on first node level when root is not displayed

I have a JTree like this: MasterRoot +-RootA +-ChildA1 +-GrandChildA1a +-RootB +-ChildB1 +-GrandChildB1a I don't want the MasterRoot node to be displayed But if I call `configTree.setRootVisible(false); I got: RootA +-ChildA1 +-GrandChildA1a RootB +-ChildB1 +-GrandChildB1a And I want this: +-RootA +-ChildA1 +-Grand...

Using JTable for a JTree cell editor

I would like to use a JTable for editing a JTree, I extended DefaultTreeCellEditor and implemented isCellEditable getTreeCellEditorComponent, in getTreeCellEditorComponent I return a JTable. Everything works up to this point when a node is edited swing displays the JTable filled with the objects content however when editing is complete, ...

jstree select element which contains exact string

I must check some nodes of my jstree (checkbox plugin) on page load $j("#tree_data").jstree("check_node",'a:contains('+tool_name+')'); but if tool_name = "aa" all nodes abaa, aaa, blaah will be checked. I need to check only the node that contains exactly "aa". ...

Java- updating JTree

I've got a JTree which I'm using to display some (unsurprisingly) hierarchical data. Part of the spec is that the user can change the data source (atm it's just between files). Now, when this happens, I can rebuild the data and the tree nodes with no problem. But, I'm having substantial difficulties getting the tree to update the changes...

Searching a JTree

I've got a JTree, which I am trying to search. I've written a quick recursive search function. The function takes a parent/child node name pair as a string. private void RecursiveSearch(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode node, java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode> nodelist, java.lang.String destination, java.lang.String origin) { node...