
how to customize the color of frame and title area of HUD panel

Hi, I need to let the user to customize the HUD window appearance. Is there a way to change the frame and the title area color of HUD window? There is an API for changing a background color of the window, but title and the frame stay semitransparent black. I'd like to avoid drawing these areas by myself. Thanks, Nava ...

How can I remove the "blur" effect that Cocoa adds to transparent sheets?

By default, Cocoa adds a background blur effect to transparent and semitransparent modal sheets when they are applied to a window. I would like to disable the blur effect. How would I go about doing it? I have created a custom sheet (a subclass of NSWindow with a transparent background and some controls in it). I am able to display it u...

How can I disable Cocoa's default animation when displaying a modal sheet?

I would like to disable the animation that Cocoa performs when displaying a modal sheet. Apple's Sheet Programming Guide states: ... Other sheet behavior, such as the animation when it appears and is dismissed, is handled automatically by the Application Kit. But it doesn't provide any hints on how to disable this effect. I have ...

NSWindow titlebar turns white when resizeing

Hi, I'm programatically resizing my NSWindow containing an NSOpenGLView. The window resizes, the NSOpenGLView is handling the resizing fine, but the titlebar of the NSWindow turns completely white. However the buttons (minimize,...) can be clicked, also you can not see them. Resizing occurs using the following code in the windows con...

How to reverse a [NSWindow zoom] method call?

Maybe i'm just too blind to RTFM but what is the method to call to reverse the zoom (maximizing of a window) and bring the window back into the old state. ...

NSWindow blocking the application like an Alert Panel

Hi everyone, is it possible to get an NSWindow to block everything in my application just like an Alert panel so that it is the key window until closed? ...

Create a second Window

Hi I want to run an OpenGlView in a second window. I can open this window "simualtion", but there is nothing to see, which I created in the Interface Builder. I think the problem is that I created a completely new window. I try this way, because I want to close the old window and open the new one with one and same method, because I want ...

Is there any thing like a NSBottomBar?

Okay of course i checked the API and there is nothing - at least under this class name. What i mean is the widget referred to as a bottom bar in the Apple Human Interface Guidline. Do i have to draw this myself from a NSView, if so how do i get the texture drawn? P.S.: I added Toolbar to the tags because it is the closest generic key...

NSPanel : double animation

Hello, I am trying to animate an NSPanel derived window with a fade-in while sliding (moving from outside to inside the screen) What is way to do a such animation? Thanks in advance for your help, Regards, ...

Sending an NSWindow object to a different class

Heya folks. Im wondering how I send the NSWindow object of the main window to a class that will do something with it. The main idea is that I press a button and then something happens to the window. (A NSAnimation for instance). fader = [[Fader alloc] initWithWindow:window]; Thats what sends the 'window' var to my Fader Class -(id)i...

How to create a topmost overlay which ignores mouse clicks, etc.

I'd like to know how to setup a transparent overlay windown in Cocoa which can ignore mouse clicks (so that they pass through to whatever window is below). The user should not be able to interact with the window with their mouse. ...

How can i create a transparent and non rectangular NSWindow with Cocoa?

I want to create a windows style error popup for my Cocoa application like this one Is there any tutorial how to do this? Or can somebody give me at least the names of a few API functions that i need to check out. ...

Call a sheet from within an alert causes weird window problems

Hello, I decided to use an alert sheet with 2 buttons. When the user clicks the continue button a sheet made from a window should come down. The sheet comes down and the parent window closes along with the other sheet. The code I'm using is: - (void)alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(int *)contextI...

How do i display the modified dot in the red button of an NSWindow

Can't find the Cocoa API call to set the modified marker of a window. ...

Is NSWindow setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel broken in OS X 10.6.x

We're trying to get a NSWindow or NSPanel to be always on top on OS X 10.6.x. We've seen many suggestions that setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel should do the trick (some say it must be a NSPanel for it to stay on top). However, we are using 10.6.4. and the window keeps disappearing to the background when the app looses focus. I've seen o...

CAAnimationGroup with different interface elements

Hi, I want to crossfade two NSViews and resize their NSWindow. I know how to do them separately but so far not how to do it simultaneously. I think I need a CAAnimationGroup for it. But because I'm dealing with two different objects, I don't know how to add the two animations in the group and I don't know how to start the animation beca...

Objective-C: window undeclared

Hello! It will be a noob question, but i'm getting crazy with this. I've read a tons of topics but i think i am missing something main. I`ve created new cocoa app project, did not change anything, just add next code to main.m int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NSView *superview = [window contentView]; NSRect frame = NSMakeRec...

Cocoa bring window to front

I have a Cocoa Application that uses a main default window, and another window nib I created. When the program starts, I want it to load the window nib and show it in front of the default 'MainMenu' nib window. How can I do this? I've tried the following code, but the window is still displayed behind the default window: InfoWindowCon...

Why can't I use Cocoa classes from my Python script?

Today is the first time I've used Python, so I'm sure this'll be an easy question. I need to convert this Python script from a command line application: webkit2png. The end result will be a URL that returns an image of the webpage passed into it as a querystring param. I've achieved this on Windows with .NET and IE, Gecko and WebKit, bu...

setBackgroundColor covers element

I have an NSWindow, and I'm using this code to add a bottom-metal-bar at the bottom. [MyWindow setContentBorderThickness:40.0 forEdge:NSMinYEdge]; That works fine. But, once I use this: [MyWindow setBackgroundColor: [NSColor redColor]]; The red covers the bar at the bottom. The bar shows correctly without the background color. ...