class Action
Products: IList of class ActionProducts:
Category: class Category
Products: IList of class Product
Now, I want this:
var products = from a in Session.Linq<Action>()
from ap in a.Products
from p in ap.Category.Products
where a.Name == name
select p;
And this Linq actually works but: 1. produces select for all tables instead of only Products 2. produces left outer joins, not inner 3. Distinct() on the query doesn't work (though ToList().Distinct() works).
Also can be done with SelectMany(a => a.Products).SelectMany(ap => ap.Category.Products) but it doesn't work at all with current NHibernate.Linq.
So I want to use ICriteria. But I can't see how do I return product, not action?
ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Action))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Name", name))
.CreateAlias("Products", "ap")
.CreateAlias("ap.Category.Products", "p")
So how do I SomehowReturnMeOnly("p")? So that I can do
return criteria.List<Product>();
which will fail because ICriteria selects Actions, not Products?
I may consider HQL but I actually doesn't like string queries... Just for example, here's the HQL that works and produces exactly the SQL that I need:
IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery("select distinct p from Action a inner join a.Products as ap inner join ap.Category.Products as p");
return query.List<Product>();