



Hello everyone,

Suppose I have the following XAML code, my confusions are, (1) I do not know the exact meaning of Data attribute, especially items starts with letter M/C, (2) there is no special configuration for TransformGroup (all using default settings), why put the TransformGroup here?

  <Path Height="2.75" Width="2.75" Data="M2.75,1.375 C2.75,2.1343915 2.1343915,2.75 1.375,2.75 C0.61560845,2.75 0,2.1343915 0,1.375 C0,0.61560845 0.61560845,0 1.375,0 C2.1343915,0 2.75,0.61560845 2.75,1.375 z" Fill="#FF9F9B9B" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="#FF000000" StrokeThickness="0" Canvas.Top="7" x:Name="p3">

thanks in advance, George

+1  A: 

1) M: move, L: line, C: curve, etc. Check out this tutorial.

2) That's just been added, no use.

I advise you to load the XAML into a XAML editor, and you'll see these in action. Writing / understanding XAML without a WYSIWYG editor is a horror.

"I advise you to load the XAML into a XAML editor, and you'll see these in action." -- do you mean using preview function of VSTS when editing XAML in a Siverlight project or something else?
no, I mean XAMLPad the offical MS Expression Blend
I have downloaded Exprssion Blend and seems it could only create Silverlight 1 project? But I need to develop under Siverlight 2. Any advice?
George2, Expression Blend 2.0 is out for some time, it even has an SP1. That's for SL2 development.