


+5  Q: 

Qt must-read

Qt has power and lot's of conceptual intricacies - that's my ipression after using/learning it for a few months.

Reading a whole book on the subject is unfeasible, because I neither possess the ignorance of "dummies" or "complete idiots" nor enough perseverance and free time. On the other hand official doc pages (even those broad-view articles) are not enough detailed.

Please, provide links to documentation pages, articles, chapters of books which address Qt concepts that are most peculiarly Qt-ish and absolutely necessary to know for a good Qt developer. Or even whole book names ( if they're succinct, targeted for competent audience, and without going into lengthy but trivial examples ).

+8  A: 

Have a look at the ICS network. There are some nice presentations on different topics.

There are the Qt DevDays presentations on different topics.

You can find some good examples and nice to know features in Qt Quarterly.

Free online book "An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4" has some good topics

+7  A: 

A hidden gem in the Qt docs is also the All Overviews and HOWTOs

Henrik Hartz
+1  A: 

When I started to use QT, I proceeded this way:

I took a look to the demo applications, to make an idea about what QT can do. Then, I looked through the documentation for those demos, to make an idea about what has been used to implement the demo (not necesarily through all the demos, but to the ones showing the features I was interested in).

Then, I tried to use QT and write my own applications, consulting the source code from demos, the assistant (heavily used) and, when I was stuck, googling for hints.

At the beginning, it is painful, but you can quickly learn the needed things.

Cătălin Pitiș
+1 - The docs and assistant are well written. I haven't read any Qt books and I have been using the framework for 4 years now.
Dusty Campbell

The best way to learn Qt is to look at the source code. (Sorry no "Thinking in Qt"... ;) ) I recommend reading/hacking on Arora's code (web browser), Qt Creator's code, Qt itself, KDE4 code. That will keep you busy for a while :D


And don't forget the best way to learn any programming language: create a small program with it.

Grab a simple problem, and try to code it. In my opinion is the best way to get into any programming language/tool
