I would like to direct the user to an appropriate download link per case. Can I embed a clickable link in a vbs message box? Or, is there a cleaner way to solve this problem?
select case FSO.GetFileVersion(strCorLib)
Case "2.0.50727.42"
strNETVersion = strNETVersion & " SP0 (not so good!)"
Case "2.0.50727.1433"
strNETVersion = strNETVersion & " SP1 (this will work)"
Case "2.0.50727.3053"
strNETVersion = strNETVersion & " SP2 (this is good)"
end select
strNetVersion = strNETVersion & ", " & FSO.GetFile(strCorLib).DateLastModified
strNETVersion = ".NET 2.0 not installed"
end if
sayit strNetVersion