




Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (11) in /home/aa/public_html/bb/db.php on line 2 Could not connect:

iam getting this error but the problem is that this error comes irregularly,sometimes it didnt come all the day and sometimes it comes countless times.

what could be the possible reason for this?????

+2  A: 

That could mean that MYSQL is down or you use the wrong host name while connect. One more possible reason for that could be difference in socket configuration of php against mysql, you can check it in by looking at entry socket in mysql config. file and by looking at output of phpinfo(), you need just to compare it. Or it could that someone else on your machine also using that socket.

PS. As well my wild guess, go through your code and check you always get your connection close right and all your queries as well.

Artem Barger

Make sure that your MySQL is running. OR Create a file called: phpinfo.php with the following inside it:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Load the file in your browser: http://localhost/phpinfo.php and scroll down for mysql. Look for the MYSQL_SOCKET and make sure it matches your entry in your my.cnf file.

FYI, my my.cnf file is located in: /etc/my.cnf and it contains something like this:

# The MySQL server
port            = 3306
socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock