



A few questions...

Can you see the tests in TestView ?? Is your vsmdi file up to date ? Are you tests marked as enabled (add enabled column in TestView to check)


Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I have had similar issues occur but I have never determined what the root cause was, which makes me think it must be a glitch.

In any case, creating a new test and/or editing an existing test seem to trigger something that enables those commands. The first time it happened to me, I added a new unit test, saw the commands were now enabled, and simply deleted the newly added unit test file.

If I'm missing something or if someone else knows more about this, please chime in!

Also, this excerpt from the Microsoft Style Manual is, at the very least, interesting and possibly worth noting.

Do not use [gray, grayed, grayed out] to refer to commands or options; use unavailable or dimmed instead. If you need to describe the appearance of check boxes with portions of a larger selection that are already selected, use shaded, not grayed.

Nope, havn't found a solution yet. The only work around I know is as you've said, add a new unit test. Editted the name of the question based on your style guidelines ;)

Visual Studio recognizes test projects by a special GUID. If there's a project with the GUID : FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC, VS will automatically load tests from it. So make sure that in the .csproj of your test project you have the correct GUID:

Darin Dimitrov