I have a flash movie from which I want to open a Jquery lightbox. Is it possible?
I have a flash movie from which I want to open a Jquery lightbox. Is it possible?
Try Calling any JS lightbox from Flash using jQuery
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, external, false, 0, true);
function external(evt:MouseEvent):void {
ExternalInterface.call("external", "lightbox/photos/image1.jpg");
function external(path) { // pass in the correct path to the function so we only need one <A> for infinite amount of calls from flash
// if the lightbox does not exist we will make it
if ($('a#lightbox').length == 0) {
$("body").append("</A><A id="lightbox" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; left: -9999px;" href="http://www.thetruetribe.com/+path+">calling js lightbox from flash</A>");
// if it already exists but the path is different we will set the new path
} else if ($('a#lightbox').attr("href") != path) {
$('a#lightbox').attr("href", path);
// now we will simulate the click here.
Or you could port flashLightBoxInjector Start Lightbox from Flash a PrototypeJS class to the jQuery framework without too much trouble if your a somewhat confident in writing javascript
Yes you can do it.
To call a javascript function doIt(), you write:
But really, if you are having to do that, there might be better ways to solve your problem.