



(If you want to close this thread for duplicate, I don’t think this question is redundant cause I’ve done my/some homework :)

I know this subject has come up before :) . I’ll be learning C# and Windows Forms this summer so I’m starting to buy some books. I’ve decided to treat them separately and buy a book about each one.

I spent the last 2 days skimming through the available literature and made my choices but I still have some doubts.

Windows Forms

Windows Forms in Action by Erik Brown VS Windows Forms 2.0 Programming by Chris Sells

I think I’ll go with Brown Book, but I’m not sure. Any advice? My GUI skills come from the the Petzold...


Essential C# 3.0 For .NET by Mark Michaelis VS Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform by Andrew Troelsen

I’m leaning towards Michaelis. I like formal presentations and containers! I’m in love with my C++ vectors, lists ... Any advice?


Thanks for all the answers. I'll sleep on it and choose tomorrow.


After not sleeping, I've just ordered Windows Forms 2.0 Programming and Essential C# 3.0. I choose this last one after reading some chapters and founding it quite to my taste, Pro C# 2008 seems to contain too much information for a first contact with C#. I'll dig into the other propositions, when I'm ready. Again, thanks to all.

+2  A: 

Regarding C#, I've found Accelerated C# 2008 to be quite informative if you are coming from another language.

Andrew Austin
+6  A: 

"Windows Forms 2.0 Programming by Chris Sells" is Excellent.

Joe Albahari's "C# in a Nutshell" and Jon Skeet's "C# in Depth" are great companions to learn from alongside Andrew Troelson's "Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform".

Mitch Wheat
+1  A: 

I like the Sells book a lot. But, since you're learning (and soliciting recommendations), you might considering learning WPF along with WinForms.

JP Alioto
When I'm fairly proficient with C#, I'll take a look at WPF ( It's on my to-do List.). I just don't know if the tools are mature enough, the blend/expression/design is just gibberish to me.
+3  A: 

It's hard to beat your second choice:

Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform by Andrew Troelsen

Matt Spradley
+1  A: 

I enjoyed Programming Windows with C# by Charles Petzold.

+2  A: 

I personally think Pro .NET Windows Forms and Custom Controls does an excellent job of going into great detail about not just the basics of WinForms, but also the very complex topic of creating your own custom controls.

From a winform db driven app angle; would you still recomend this book or is the angle irrelevant if the app uses winforms?
Refracted Paladin
No, this book is strictly about Windows Forms and custom controls. This does not touch on databases at all, or any other aspect of C#. This is not a book that'll teach you to program in C#. This is all about System.Windows.Forms.
Thank you, because it has a whole chapter on DataBinding and another on DataGridView I wasn't sure if it'd be helpful on that front or not.
Refracted Paladin
+1  A: 

Essential C# 3.0 is a great book. It's big but it's coverage on each indivdual topic is decent, and concise. Many books include a lot of waffle over many, many pages to explain something simple. Although this doesn't mean the book does not cover each topic in depth, it does, but it presumes you know the basics and it well written. There are boxes which break away in the flow of a chapter which contain 'beginner topics' and 'advanced topics' which you can feel free to ignore. (Advanced usually contains more in-depth, behind the scenes, stuff about the topic).

But yeah, Awesome book. In-depth, concise and easy to read.


First learn WinForms and then WPF. "Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform by Andrew Troelsen" is great but there is also "Professional C# 2008" from Wrox which is awesome if you want to know the details.

Michal Franc