i have a delphi form with some DB Controls on it.
To represent a date I use the TJvDBDatePickerEdit (from JCL), which has a nice property
ShowCheckBox := True;
to allow the user to enter that no date is known (DBNull).
I verify, that nulling the DatePicker works as expected by:
procedure Tframe.adoQueryBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
if (qryAuftraege.FieldByName('MyDateField').IsNull) then
The message box shows. So the field that the ADO Component should write is of type varNull.
Now there is this pipeline: TADOQuery -> TADOConnection -> MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers -> MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver
And the MySQL ODBC driver now shows in it's log:
UPDATE `db`.`table` SET `MyDateField`=_latin1'0004-00-00' WHERE `ID`=5 AND `MyDateField`=_latin1'2009-06-17';
Well, the date is stored as '0004-00-00' (which MySQL seems to save like that). Now when querying the entry, it is recognized as Null by Delphi, but when it shall be updated the next time, calling:
UPDATE `bvl`.`auftraege` SET `MyDateField`=_latin1'2009-06-17' WHERE `ID`=5 AND `MyDateField` IS NULL;
of course fails, because MyDateField is NOT NULL (at least in the MySQL DB).
Where does this string '0004-00-00' come from? If it is a bug somewhere, where could I possibly intercept it?
I already know that there are components to buy that provide direct MySQL connections which (I assume) don't show this behaviour.