Below is a list of locks that SQL Server 2000 is meant to support. I am a bit confused as to what the "intent" locks actually mean. I've looked around on the Web and the answers seem to be a bit cryptic.
Further to getting an answer to my specific question, I am hoping to use this question as a Wiki for what each lock means and under what circumstances that type of lock will be acquired.
- Shared (S)
- Update (U)
- Exclusive (X)
- Intent
- intent shared (IS)
- intent exclusive (IX)
- shared with intent exclusive (SIX)
- intent update (IU)
- update intent exclusive (UIX)
- shared intent update (SIU)
- Schema
- schema modification (Sch-M)
- schema stability (Sch-S)
- Bulk Update (BU)
- Key-Range
- Shared Key-Range and Shared Resource lock (RangeS_S)
- Shared Key-Range and Update Resource lock (RangeS_U)
- Insert Key-Range and Null Resource lock (RangeI_N)
- Exclusive Key-Range and Exclusive Resource lock (RangeX_X)
- Conversion Locks (RangeI_S, RangeI_U, RangeI_X, RangeX_S, RangeX_U)