



Question: What is the best way to transform a large XML document (>200MB) using XSL in .Net?

Background: I have a application that feeds me large data files, I cannot change the format. In the past I have been able to translate smaller data files with no issues.

Originally I was working with the XML as strings and was running out of memory very quickly. I switched my code and now I deal with MemoryStream's to read, transform using a stylesheet and then save off a copy of the output to a separate location using filestreams.

Applying of the stylesheet causes the application to consume upwards of 1gb memory and eventually crashes.

I know I could programatically process the XML using the DOM but I would really like to stick with a generic method of applying an XSL stylesheet.

Does anyone have any pointers on how I could better manage memory while processing the XSL transformation? Below is a snippet of code where i am applying the transformation:

'xmlData is a memory stream passed into a function 
    Dim strfilepath As String = appConfigSettings.FilePaths.XslFilePath & "\" & odtrow.formatterXsl

 Dim xslt As New System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform()

 Dim xmlRead As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlData)

 newStream = New MemoryStream()
 xslt.Transform(xmlRead, Nothing, newStream) 'here is where it fails
 newStream.Position = 0

C# or VB examples are fine I can work with either...This app was a hand me down so not criticism for the vb please :) -J

+1  A: 

You're using a MemoryStream, and you run out of memory. Hmmm...

Maybe use a FileStream instead?

John Saunders
I have tried with filestream but the process takes 100x long. I was trying to somehow manage the memorystream and parse the XML at the same time. I do have a working filestream example. Even with this when you apply the XSL style sheet it consumes a ton of memory, but at least it does not crash.
Going to accept this, never found another option. I'll have to suffer with the long load times.

Try and use XPathDocument instead of XMLReader. It is optimised and much faster.

