




I have two reports , in same forder in reportserver. i wanted to link both the reports back and forth passing parameters.

I tried to use jump to Report passing parameter, it works but opens the report in the same window. I am looking for opening the report in a new window , so tried to use the Jump to URL using this expression.

="javascript:void('http://servername/reportserver?%2fStaffing%2fTest%2fStaffing Forecast Summary&rs:Command=Render&PI_REGION_LIST="+Parameters!PI_REGION_LIST.Value+"&PI_CENTER_CODE="+Parameters!PI_CENTER_CODE.Value+"&PI_PROBABILITY="+Parameters!PI_PROBABILITY.Value+"&PI_X="+Parameters!PI_X.Value+"'))"

could any one help me here. How will i do this dynamically, so that i dont have to change the servername while production move? first 3 parameters are multivalued parameters , is it fine giving in this way? my reports are accessed from report manager itself. what should i give for reportserver ?

i am confused with the "?", "&",and "/" in this whole exression . wht is that %2f. i did some googling on this but nothing is giving me a proper idea.

Your help would be appreciated.

Thanks, San


Hi San,

I just used 'Jump to URL' and dumped the javascript thing. I used the Expression builder to build the following output based on my server and the report I was calling which needed the parameters prmCUID and prmEnabled:

="http://sk24-cbnks002/reportserver?/Autosweep/Operations/Sweeps+By+Credit+Union&prmCUID=" + Fields!CU_ID.Value.ToString + "&prmEnabled=true&rs%3aParameterLanguage=en-CA"

I hope this helps. I had a tough time getting it to go at first.

