I'm profiling out unit & integration tests, and I find the a lot of the time is spent on the finalizer of NHibernate.Transaction.AdoTransaction - this means it is not getting disposed properly.
I am not using AdoTransaction directly in the code, so it's probably used by some other object inside NHibernate. Any idea what I'm forgetting to Dispose?
Here is my text fixture:
public abstract class AbstractInMemoryFixture
protected ISessionFactory sessionFactory;
protected ILogger Logger { get; private set; }
static readonly Configuration config;
private static readonly ISessionFactory internalSessionFactory;
static AbstractInMemoryFixture()
config = new NHibernateConfigurator().Configure(NHibernateConfigurators.SQLiteInMemory());
internalSessionFactory = config.BuildSessionFactory();
public void SetUp()
const string sqliteInMemoryConnectionString = "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;Pooling=False;Max Pool Size=1;";
var con = new SQLiteConnection(sqliteInMemoryConnectionString);
new SchemaExport(config).Execute(false, true, false, true, con, System.Console.Out);
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
sessionFactory = proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(internalSessionFactory, new UseExistingConnectionInterceptor(con));
Logger = new NullLogger();
public void TearDown()
var con = sessionFactory.OpenSession().Connection;
if (con != null)
if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)
private class UseExistingConnectionInterceptor :IInterceptor
private readonly SQLiteConnection connection;
public UseExistingConnectionInterceptor(SQLiteConnection connection)
this.connection = connection;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (invocation.Method.Name != "OpenSession" || invocation.Method.GetParameters().Length > 0)
var factory = (ISessionFactory) invocation.InvocationTarget;
invocation.ReturnValue = factory.OpenSession(connection);
protected virtual void ExtraSetup() { }