I've got two list boxes, one a master, the other a child. When the index changes on the master, the child listbox gets filled appropriately with records relating to the master. My problem is coming up when one master takes a long time to get all the records and before it has completed getting the records, a user clicks a different master that takes less time to fill. What happens is that eventually, the master that was taking longer fills in the child list box even though the user isn't on that master anymore.
I've been using BackgroundWorker threads to do the filling.
bw_LoadAll.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bg_LoadAllWork);
bw_LoadAll.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bg_LoadAllWorkCompleted);
bw_LoadAll.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
I subscribed to the SelectedIndexChanged event for the master and I set the canceled equal to true:
Here is the code in the DoWork method:
List<object> s = Repository.Instance().LoadAll();
if (!bw_LoadAll.CancellationPending) {
e.Result = s;
} else {
e.Cancel = true;
But for some reason, the code for the worker completed keeps getting called. Here is the worker completed code:
if (!e.Cancelled) {
ddl.DataSource = e.Result;
ddl.DisplayMember = "QuickName";
ddl.ValueMember = "ID";
Is there something else I have to do to cancel this thread from returning?