



I am running into a permission error when trying to load data from a flat file database dump into a new table. I know that the schema of the file and my table is the same and I tried tweaking the permissions. What else should I try?

mysql> load data infile 'myfile.txt' into table mytable fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"';
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'user'@'%' 

grant all on mytable.* to 'user'@'%

Here's a thread on the MySQL forums that discusses exactly this.

Here's the answer, posted by Ken Tassell

Problem resolved using the command below:

grant file on *.* to kentest@localhost identified by 'kentest1';
Ólafur Waage

To read a file with LOAD DATA INFILE from the server, the user needs FILE privilege, and I don't think that's granted by default when you use "ALL" - grant that privilege and you should be fine.

Paul Dixon
The FILE privilege is global (i.e. user-level). Granting all privs on on a database ("mytable.*") will not grant any global privs.

You might have MySQL privileges on the destination table, but you also need the FILE privilege to execute LOAD DATA, and of course the MySQL Server process needs operating-system privileges to the data file too.

Bill Karwin