I have this global mouse hook setup in a DLL that watches for mouse gestures.
Everything works perfectly but with a hook set for WH_MOUSE_LL which is a low-level hook and one that doesn't need to be in an external injectable DLL.
Once I switch - to the more suitable one would say - WH_MOUSE mouse hook, everything falls apart. Once I click outside my main application (the one that installs the hook), the hook gets corrupted - ::UnhookWindowsHookEx will fail.
I only found this guy saying at experts exchange:
"No way, at least under Windows XP + SVP2 WH_MOUSE won't go global, you must use WH_MOUSE_LL instead."
I setup the hooks correctly: in a DLL using a shared data section, posting and not sending messages from the hook proceduce.
Why has this changed? And why is not documented? Anyone encountered this? Thanks!
BTW: I've reverse engineered a bit the popular StrokeIt application and it uses a combination of WH_GETMESSAGE and WH_MOUSE hooks and still works on XP/Vista...