



Dear All,

I have a textarea in C#, please see below code:

<asp:Label ID="lblQuestions" runat="server" CssClass="addinfo">
                    Question & Comments</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQuestions" Rows="5" Columns="5" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" MaxLength="250"></asp:TextBox>

Now I want that textarea should not accept more than 250 characters, whatever user do COPY & PASTE, by WRITING and DRAG & DROP etc, if user try to copy or drag & drop more than 250 character the first 250 characters should be copied in textarea. I know that there no MAXLENGTH attribute in TEXTAREA. If it is not possible with .NET the solution with javascript or Jquery will work.

Please help

+3  A: 

You have to wire functions for the events

onpaste, onkeyup and onfocus of the area for which you want to do this action.

For an asp textbox I think you have to consider only OnTextChanged event.

For textarea

<INPUT id="counterMessage" readOnly size="3" value="250" name="counterMessage">                          
<TEXTAREA onpaste="PasteCounter(this.form.txtAreaMessage,this.form.counterMessage,250);"
                                  id="txtAreaMessage" onkeyup="textCounter(this.form.txtAreaMessage,this.form.counterMessage,250);"
                                  style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 99%; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; HEIGHT: 95px; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"
                                  onfocus="textCounter(this.form.txtAreaMessage,this.form.counterMessage,250);" name="txtAreaMessage"
                                  rows="3" runat="server"></TEXTAREA>

function PasteCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit)
      var len;
      var txt = clipboardData.getData("Text");
      txt = field.value + txt
      len = parseInt(txt.length);
      if ( len >  maxlimit )
       txt = txt.substring(0, maxlimit);  
       field.value = txt;              
       alert("Only " + maxlimit + " characters are allowed");
      countfield.value = maxlimit - txt.length;
     function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit)
      if (field.value.length > maxlimit )
       field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit );
       alert("Only " + maxlimit + " characters are allowed");
      countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;

The countfield textbox is for showing remaining characters.

Thanks, I know that these events needs to be handled, can I have code for above problem.
Many Thanks, Is the above solution will work if user enters data more that 250 characters by writing directly not by copy and paste.
Do I need to call same function onkeyup event?
Sorry for above comments I missed to onkeyup event code, I have implemented it in my code, but I am getting javascript error "clipboard is not defined", please suggest
Which is the browser that you are using?
I think in firefox you won't get clipboarddata.
Any Idea what I can do incase of firefox and other browsers. I am testing my application in firefox, IE, opera
Accessing clipboarddata in other browsers seems to be very difficult.
I am not so sure about this
+1  A: 

1) A very simple way to handle this is to start with the onChange event:

<textarea id="yourTextArea" onchange="this.value.length = Math.min(this.value.length, 250)"></textarea>

The major drawback here is that the textarea will not update until the focus has left the textarea.

2) You should be able to adapt the above example to a form validation function that fires on the form's onSubmit event.

<script type="text/javascript">
    document.forms[0].onsubmit = function() { document.getElementById("yourTextArea").value.length = Math.min(this.value.length, 250); }

3) If you want to do this validation on the server side, you really just need to get the textarea's value and truncate it.

string validText = yourTextArea.Value.Substring(0, 250);
Jeff Meatball Yang

For interactive feedback, you should do the above in javascript, as wired controls will not react until it is posted back to the server (requiring a page reload). This can cause quite a bit of server load if you update character counts on every keystroke.

Below is a rough js implementation that will simply count the number of ASCII characters on every change. This will also work if the textarea is modified due to cut and pasting:

<script type="text/javascript">
function countWords() {
var text = document.getElementById("txtBox1").value;
if (text.length > 250) text = text.substr(0,250);
document.getElementById("txtBox1").value = text;

<textarea id="txtBox1" onkeyup="countWords();" >text here</textarea>
+2  A: 

You can do this with an ASP.NET validator as well:

<asp:TextBox ID="MyTextBox" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="4" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator Display="Dynamic" ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" ControlToValidate="MyTextBox" Text="<p>A maxiumum of 250 characters is allowed.</p>"  runat="server" ValidationExpression="^(.|\s){0,250}$" />
Andrew Barrett
    onkeypress="return value.length<=10;"
    onpaste="return (value.length+clipboardData.getData('Text').length)<=10"
+3  A: 

You can use jQuery to bind to multiple events at once

$("#txtQuestions").bind("keyup change blur input paste", function() {
  // fire this off a few ms after the event happens
   (function(el){ // closure to store "this" as "el"
     return function() { if (el.value.length>250) el.value.length = 250; }
   })(this), 10);

There is a library (jQuery.charcounter) out there that will automatically add the characters remaining and what not to the DOM as well.

+1 for the plugin :)
Pawel Krakowiak