i have this javascript code :
var next = jQuery('#next') ;
var prev = jQuery('#prev') ;
var Scroller = jQuery('#Scroller') ;
var ScrollerTable = Scroller.children('table').width() ;
console.log('width of scroller table ' + ScrollerTable) ;
var offsetLeft = parseInt(Scroller.css("left")) ;
console.warn(offsetLeft) ;
if(offsetLeft == 0)
Scroller.animate({left : -140 } , 1000 ) ;
console.warn(offsetLeft) ;
if(ScrollerTable <= offsetLeft )
console.warn(offsetLeft) ;
alert('you are reached the end of scroller use the other btn') ;
return false ;
Scroller.animate({left : offsetLeft-140 } , 1000) ;
var offsetLeft = parseInt(Scroller.css("left")) ;
console.warn('offsetLeft in backward ' + offsetLeft) ;
if(offsetLeft != 0 || offsetLeft > 0 )
Scroller.animate({left : offsetLeft +140 } , 1000 ) ;
jQuery(this).css('cursor' , 'none') ;
return false ;
when user click on next or perv multiple animation will not completely complete and offsetLeft value is not correct ! what can i do to prevent that
my second question is when user click on next btn the scroller div scrolled to -140px left this action must iterate until to reach to end of slides then i must disable the next btn . so i get scrollerTable width in a variable and check it with offsetLeft Value but it's not working !
and here is html
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div style="border:#ccc 1px solid ; padding:1px" class="scroll">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="2%"><img src="../images/dum/scroll_left.gif" width="20" height="165" id="prev" style="cursor:pointer" /></td>
<td width="96%" valign="top">
<div style="width:720px; height:165px ; position:relative ; overflow:hidden " id="Container">
<div style="position:absolute ; left:0" id="Scroller">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
{foreach from=$products item=p}
<div style="border:#ccc 2px solid ; padding:0px;margin:20px;">
<img src="imgsize.php?w=100&h=100&img=../uploads/product/{$p.xproductid}.jpg" />
<div style="background-color:#ccc ;text-align:center ; padding:5px; ">{$p.xproductname}</div>
<td width="2%"><img src="../images/dum/scroll_right.gif" width="20" height="165" id="next"/></td>