I want to consolidate the following code. Although I'm not sure how to reference SELECT * FROM any table ending in listing.
$this->displaylistings=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM nordstromlisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM saksfifthavenuelisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM guesslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM gnclisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM urbanoutfitterslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$tnis->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM bananarepubliclisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM americaneaglelisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM neimanmarcuslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM footlockerlisting WHERE ShopperID = '$this->ShopperID'");
Thanks in advance :D