I'm a Lua novice. I'm unit testing Lua 5.1 code using Lunity and LeMock.
My class is StorageManager. I'm unit testing its load() method, which loads files from disk. I don't want my unit tests dependent on actual files on the actual disk to test that.
So, I'm trying to inject the I/O dependency with a mock object and verify that object's behavior during my test. I can't figure out how to use the I/O object with a syntax that works when called by both my mock-based unit test and the "real code".
How can I change the code (the load() method, preferably) so that it will do its job when called from either unit test (the one without the mock is temporary until I get this figured out -- it resembles the code that will later actually call the method under test)?
Note1: If you run these tests, remember that the "without mock" test expects a file on disk whose filename matches VALID_FILENAME.
Note2: I thought about using pcall's try/catch-like behavior to execute one line or the other (see storageManager.lua lines 11 & 12). Assuming that's even possible, it feels like a hack, and it traps errors I might later want thrown (out of load()). Please expound on this option if you see no alternative.
1 require "StorageManager"
2 require "lunity"
3 require "lemock"
4 module("storageManager", package.seeall, lunity)
6 VALID_FILENAME = "storageManagerTest.dat"
8 function setup()
9 mc = lemock.controller()
10 end
12 function test_load_reads_file_properly()
13 io_mock = mc:mock()
14 file_handle_mock = mc:mock()
15 io_mock:open(VALID_FILENAME, "r");mc:returns(file_handle_mock)
16 file_handle_mock:read("*all")
17 file_handle_mock:close()
18 mc:replay()
19 storageManager = StorageManager:new{ io = io_mock }
20 storageManager:load(VALID_FILENAME)
21 mc:verify()
22 end
24 function test_load_reads_file_properly_without_mock()
25 storageManager = StorageManager:new()
26 storageManager:load(VALID_FILENAME)
27 end
29 runTests{useANSI = false}
1 StorageManager = {}
3 function StorageManager.new (self,init)
4 init = init or { io=io } -- I/O dependency injection attempt
5 setmetatable(init,self)
6 self.__index = self
7 return init
8 end
10 function StorageManager:load(filename)
11 file_handle = self['io'].open(self['io'], filename, "r") -- works w/ mock
12 -- file_handle = io.open(filename, "r") -- works w/o mock
13 result = file_handle:read("*all")
14 file_handle:close()
15 return result
16 end
These classes pass both tests. Many thanks to the RBerteig.
1 require "admin.StorageManager"
2 require "tests.lunity"
3 require "lib.lemock"
4 module("storageManager", package.seeall, lunity)
6 VALID_FILENAME = "storageManagerTest.dat"
8 function setup()
9 mc = lemock.controller()
10 end
12 function test_load_reads_file_properly()
13 io_mock = mc:mock()
14 file_handle_mock = mc:mock()
15 io_mock.open(VALID_FILENAME, "r");mc:returns(file_handle_mock)
16 file_handle_mock:read("*all")
17 file_handle_mock:close()
18 mc:replay()
19 local saved_io = _G.io
20 _G.io = io_mock
21 package.loaded.io = io_mock
22 storageManager = StorageManager:new()
23 storageManager:load(VALID_FILENAME)
24 _G.io = saved_io
25 package.loaded.io = saved_io
26 mc:verify()
27 end
29 function test_load_reads_file_properly_without_mock()
30 storageManager = StorageManager:new()
31 storageManager:load(VALID_FILENAME)
32 end
34 runTests{useANSI = false}
1 StorageManager = {}
3 function StorageManager.new (self,init)
4 init = init or {}
5 setmetatable(init,self)
6 self.__index = self
7 return init
8 end
10 function StorageManager:load(filename)
11 file_handle = io.open(filename, "r")
12 result = file_handle:read("*all")
13 file_handle:close()
14 return result
15 end