What is the best telnet software other than Putty
Did you putty afficianadoes not read the question? :-)
2009-06-20 11:30:51
"other than putty" was edited into the question after the putty-answers.
Michael Barth
2009-06-20 11:32:19
Oh! Stack Overflow should mark edited articles as edited eventhough they do not have any replies/comments yet. :-)
Alan Haggai Alavi
2009-06-20 11:33:47
edited into the question, but the history says the title always had it.
2009-06-20 11:34:22
Actually, Alan, I didn't realize SO did that - removing the downvotes for the two putty-only answers. My apologies, guys.
2009-06-20 11:35:45
@Pax: No problem at all. :-) I was in the process of uploading an image, anyway, here it is: http://i40.tinypic.com/16m57yc.jpg
Alan Haggai Alavi
2009-06-20 11:38:49
+1 for being understanding (and right of course - putty is my first choice, at least for non-mainframe stuff).
2009-06-20 11:43:20
I would say Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) is the most popular.
2009-06-20 11:24:27
If you are using Windows and you want a free solution, then it's probably PuTTY. If you don't mind to spend a bit of money, then SecureCRT is as far as I know the most feature-rich.
Tobias Svensson
2009-06-20 11:27:08
IBM Personal Communicator, just for its sheer configurability (and 3270 capability - few terminal emulators have both standard telnet and 3270 capability). But this is a subjective/argumentative question (hence my community wiki and close vote).
2009-06-20 11:28:27