+1  A: 

I just wanted to add (and you may already know) that PHP's default session storage (which uses files) does lock the sessions files. Obviously using files for sessions has plenty of shortcomings which is probably why you are looking at a database solution.


Check with mysql_affected_rows() if the lock was obtained or not. If it was obtained - proceed. If not - re-attempt the operation every 0.5 seconds. If in 40 seconds the lock is still not obtained, throw an exception.

I see a problem in blocking script execution with this continual check for a lock. You're suggesting that PHP run for up to 40 seconds looking for this lock everytime the session is initialized (if I'm reading that correctly.)


If you have a clustered environment, I would highly recommend memcached. It supports a server/client relationship so all clustered instances can defer to the memcached server. It doesn't have locking issues you're fearful of, and is plenty fast. Quote from their page:

Regardless of what database you use (MS-SQL, Oracle, Postgres, MySQL-InnoDB, etc..), there's a lot of overhead in implementing ACID properties in a RDBMS, especially when disks are involved, which means queries are going to block. For databases that aren't ACID-compliant (like MySQL-MyISAM), that overhead doesn't exist, but reading threads block on the writing threads. memcached never blocks.

Otherwise, if you're still committed to an RDBMS session store (and worried that locking will become a problem), you could try some sort of sharding based on a sticky session identifier (grasping at straws here.) Knowing nothing else about your architecture, that's about as specific as I can get.
