



I have a Visual Studio project with about 60 C++ source files. I can do a build, and it completes without errors. But if I immediately hit F7 again, it always re-compiles about 50 of the source files. It doesn't re-compile all of the files, which is strange.

I have 'Enable minimal rebuild' (/Gm) set. Any ideas why it might be doing this? None of the files have a Modified Date in the future.

+2  A: 

Are any of your file dates in the future? This can occur if you changed time zones or changed the system clock time. Dates in the future will confuse the IDE and force a rebuild every time F7 or F5 is hit.

Robert Harvey
None of the source files are in the future. I checked all of the files.
+2  A: 

Most probably is a matter of dependencies.

Consider the following possibilities:

  • If you have custom build tools defined for some of the files in your solution, make sure that the output property contains the right file name(s). If the output of the build tool doesn't correspond to the one(s) specified in the output file names, the builder will rebuild that file.

  • If you have custom build events, check whether the output from those build events don't affect the dependencies of the files to be built.

  • I had problems when trying, at post-build, to copy or move some of the output files to a build folder. The post build operations that affect the timestamp of the ouput files of the build process will determine rebuild each time.

Cătălin Pitiș
I have no custom build events. Everything is just a normal compile and link, with libraries.
+1  A: 

A reason is if the 'date last modified' for one of the source file is set for some date in the future: it rebuilds, and then the source file is still later than the executable.

This problem with the dates can happen if the source file is located in a directory a remote machine (a network share), and/or may even happen if your machine's time isn't synchronised with the date of the machine which is running the server of your source version control system.

None of the source files are in the future. All files are on my local machine.
+1  A: 

I'm having the same problem, and it seems to be because I've turned browse information off. Properties->C/C++->Browse Info->Enable Browse Info->None. The only fix I've found is turning it back on. This is for an xbox 360 project, fwiw, my other projects don't have the problem.

Anybody know how to turn browse info off without causing this problem?

Jamie Fristrom
+1  A: 

It seems that this problem can be caused by many things, but what fixed it for me was:

  1. Closing Visual Studio
  2. Manually deleting all bin and obj folders (Clean doesn't seem to do the trick)
  3. Opening the solution and running Clean (I'm not sure if this is necessary, but I did it just in case...)
  4. Building like normal

Note: This was for a C# program in Visual Studio 2010.


What caused similar symptoms at me was: I have several projects in a solution. There were .cpp files which were referenced (and therefore compiled) by >1 projects. Unfortunately Visual Studio creates .obj files with a very simple naming - it just replaces ".cpp" by ".obj". Creating wrapper .cpp-s with different named solved the problem.
