




I'm a newbie so bear with me. I'm making a little forum for fun. Check it:


  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `position` int(11) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `position` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

I wonder how I should structure it so it loops out the categories and the assigned forums below it :/

Am I on the right path?

  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forums JOIN...");
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {..

Maybe some sql guru can help me out.



I think you'd be best off reading a join tutorial to help you understand the basics.


I don't know PHP, but it looks like you want to use a single query to loop over the categories, then, for each category, to loop over the forums.

Relational Databases don't work that way. A query returns a set of rows, in the form of a table. There is no parent/child structure to it.

If PHP is capable of this, you should have a parent query to return all the categories, and loop over that. For each category, call a child query to return the forums with that category id. Then loop over that.

John Saunders

If you want to display the Categories with Forums under them in your page, I suspect you'll need to get a resultset for the categories first, and then iterate over this list with another loop for your forum list.

A join will give you a single recordset with the category in one column, and the forum in another, giving you many rows for a single category. As another answer has said, you're not really looking for a join :)

Try something like this:

$cat_rs = mysql_query("select id, name from categories");
while($cat_row = mysql_fetch_array($cat_rs)){
     // print category name from $cat_row[1]
     $forum_rs = mysql_query("select name... from forums where cat_id = '" . $cat_row[0] ."'");
     while($forum_row = mysql_fetch_array($forum_rs)){
        //print forum stuff
Jeremy Smyth
Having a mysql query like this in an inner loop is going to be slow compared to getting all the data in one query.
You're right, but I'm guessing the datasets are small, and the effort in doing the required equivalent of "select distinct" in PHP would involve much more work than would be appropriate; either serious hackery with conditionals, or the construction of a hierarchical dataset that'd be the subject of a more involved question :)
Jeremy Smyth