I have hierarchical data stored in the datastore using a model which looks like this:
class ToolCategories(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
parentKey = db.SelfReferenceProperty(collection_name="parent_category")
I want to print all the category names preserving the hierarchy, say in some form like this :
--Information Gathering
----OS Fingerprinting
----Port Scanning
----wireless sniffers
To do the above I have used simple recursion using the back referencing capability:
class GetAllCategories (webapp.RequestHandler) :
def RecurseList(self, object, breaks) :
output = breaks + object.name + "</br>"
for cat in object.parent_category:
output = output + self.RecurseList(cat, breaks + "--")
return output
def get (self) :
output = ""
allCategories = ToolCategories.all().filter(' parentKey = ', None)
for category in allCategories :
output = output + self.RecurseList(category, "--")
As I am very new to App engine programming (hardly 3 days since I started writing code), I am not sure if this the most optimized way from the Datastore access standpoint to do the desired job.
Is this the best way? if not what is?