



Hello every body i'm serching for some way to gain access to exchange server 2003 mail box using xmlhttp request in order to render folders like inbox,... on my page. I know i have to include credentials in my url passing process,but i dont know how to specify that. is there a way or some example of doing so to get some xmlresponse from the server?? any help would be appreciated


This Microsoft support article How to programmatically get the size of mailboxes in Exchange contains code samples, and might be a place to start. Also, How to send a simple e-mail by using XMLHTTP and WebDAV in Visual Basic .NET

This code snippet shows the basic pattern of sending a request:

strURL = "http://" & strExchangeServerName & "/Exchange/" & strMailboxName & "/" & 

Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "DELETE", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassword
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Depth", "infinity,noroot"
Mitch Wheat