I have a Textbox in my Main form what i am trying to achieve is when i enter some text in the textbox and click on the button it should popup a window which has a listbox and on selecting some item in listbox the selected item should get displayed in the Parent form textbox.
I am stucked while setting the SetBidding Property for Listbox. I dont know where i am going workng ...Please Help
//Following is the method which is called on click of the button.
private void OpenSearchDialog(object parameter)
SearchList sl = new SearchList();
sl.txtSearch.Text = parameter.ToString();
Binding b = new Binding();
b.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay ;
b.Source =GetData(parameter.ToString());
b.Path = new PropertyPath("SelectDataCommand");
sl.ListBox1.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding{ Source = GetData(parameter.ToString()) });
sl.ListBox1.SetBinding(ListBox.SelectedValueProperty, new Binding(){Source=this,Path = new PropertyPath("SelectDataCommand")})