It appears that you want to repeat the calculation for every element in a 4096-by-4096 array of UINT32 values. If this is what you are doing, I think the fastest way to do it in MATLAB is to use the fact that BITGET is designed to operate on matrices of values. The code would look like this:
numArray = ...your 4096-by-4096 matrix of uint32 values...
w = zeros(4096,4096,'uint32');
for iBit = 1:32,
w = w+bitget(numArray,iBit);
If you want to make vectorized versions of some of the other algorithms, I believe BITAND is also designed to operate on matrices.
The old solution...
The easiest way I can think of is to use the DEC2BIN function, which gives you the binary representation (as a string) of a non-negative integer:
w = sum(dec2bin(num) == '1'); % Sums up the ones in the string
It's slow, but it's easy. =)