



A lot of sites post Jeopardy questions. But does anyone know if there are Jeopardy questions (and answers, categories) available in an computer application consumable format like in a database or Excel or CSV file? Assume this data will be fed into a Jeopardy online game.

+2  A: 

I did some searching, and I can't find any in a consumable format. What I would suggest doing is programatically creating a list from this site:

You can do something like this, and it shouldn't be too difficult:

// Pseudocode for compiling a list of Jeopardy questions/answers
questions = array();
answers = array();
for (i = first_game_id; i <= last_game_id; i++) {
  if (gameIdExistsOnSite(i)) {
    html = retrievePageHTMLForGameId(i);
    divs = getQuestionDivsFromHTML(html);
    foreach (divs as div) {
      questions[] = getQuestionFromDiv(div);
      answers[] = getAnswerFromDiv(div);

csv = convertToCSV(questions, answers);
James Skidmore
Great suggestion.
Andrew Johnson