how i can insert a table from one datacontext say table1 to be inserted into other datacontext using linq in mvc without using insertonsubmit(). my user code is following
Public Class PayController Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller
' GET: /Pay/
Private t As New PayRollMVC.DataContext1()
Private c As New PayRollMVC.DataContext2()
Function pay() As ActionResult
Dim n = t.ExecuteCommand( _
("insert into ( PKey,StaffMember,StaffMemberBranch,BranchCode,FirstName,LastName,Till,Action,OriginalDateTime,ShiftId) " & _
"Select t.PKey,t.StaffMember,t.StaffMemberBranch,t.BranchCode,e.FirstName,e.LastName,t.Till, t.Action,t.OriginalDateTime,s.ShiftID" & _
"From database1.dbo.TimeClockData t Join database1.dbo.EEEUser e On t.StaffMember=e.UserCode " & _
"And t.StaffMemberBranch = e.BranchCode left join database2.dbo.Shift s on (convert(varchar(20),t.OriginalDateTime,108) " & _
"between s.Start And s.[End])where t.Pkey not in (select Pkey from"), c.pays)
Dim p = From l In c.pays _
Select l
Return View(p)
End Function
End Class