I am trying to use ultimate grid from Code Project in a dialog box but the grid is invisible.
m_Plist.AttachGrid(this, IDC_CREDENTIALS) returns true but the static text place holder where the grid should be shown cant be seen and the grid is never displayed.
I am using sample the code from here http://www.codeproject.com/KB/MFC/UltimateGrid_Start.aspx?display=PrintAll&fid=452565&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&select=2629959&fr=51#Using_the_Grid_in_a_CDialog
I have installed the latest update UltimateGrid72_Src_Update03.zip and Im using VS2008 SP1.
BOOL CCredentials::OnInitDialog()
MyCug m_PList;
m_Plist.AttachGrid(this, IDC_CREDENTIALS);