+2  A: 

One thing I have done in such a condition was to break away from doing DBMS direct calls, and to instead use a memory dataset (or client dataset) for the form. When the user presses the save button, I would validate my edits and return any errors. If no errors then I would begin a database transaction, commit the master record (and then read the master record key back if its an insert), then run thru each table commiting the child records, followed by a commit of the transaction (or rollback if there were any problems saving child data).

I also stay away from using data-aware components. They work great for simple utility type programs, but when you start creating a complex system using them you will find little gotchas along the way that are easily solved by using a standard edit and a function to push/pull data to/from the database. The only exception I generally make would be for grids, but I only use the grid for selection...the actual editing is done using non data-aware components.

@skamradt: I think every approach has it's own headaches, I'm very happy to work this way although this bothering. Another question is that it would be hard to change a whole system now. thanks man.
Gedean Dias