I've got a small website that has about 5-10 administrators. I've set it up to monitor what each administrator is doing (adding items, removing items, etc). I had a list within our admin-panel that shows the previous 10 activities performed by the collective administration. Today, I decided to make this self-updating every 30 seconds.
My question is simple: is there any problem doing this? I'm calling a small bit of text with each request, and the request is likely only running on 3 or 4 computers at a time (reflecting the number of concurrent-administrators logged in).
setInterval("activity()", 30000);
function activity() {
$("#recent_activity").load("../home/login #recent_activity .data");
Produces the following (or similar - only with 10 rows) with each request.
<td><p>logged out</p></td>
<td><p>28 minutes 27 seconds ago</p></td>
<td><p>logged in</p></td>
<td><p>29 minutes 45 seconds ago</p></td>