Can someone (hopefully Rob) explain how to implement the new SubSonicRepository<> Pattern? I have used it with the old version and the MVC templates (in web forms) using the following initialization.
public IRepository<StaffingPosition> _StaffingPositionsRepository;
public StaffingBase()
_StaffingPositionsRepository = new SubSonicRepository<StaffingPosition>();
public StaffingBase(IRepository<StaffingPosition> staffingpositionsRepo)
_StaffingPositionsRepository = staffingpositionsRepo;
Note that my WCF Service inherits this class for ease of access.
Now SubSonicRepository() requires an argument of IQuerySurface and I'm not sure the best way to make this happen. I really dig the IRepository pattern and want to try to stick with it if possible...That is, unless anyone has better ideas. Thanks!