I would like to download a file, parse it and put it somewhere. So I have a few sections outlined below and I would like to use the directives below to guide what the program should be doing. I like this form of config and I would like to figure out how to get this to work somehow but I know it won't work exactly like this because I can't use the same section more than once. I am just hoping someone could throw some ideas my way on how to get this idea to work.
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
<sectionGroup name="processor">
<sectionGroup name="process">
<section name="ftp_transport" type="someFTPClass1, someAssembly"/>
<section name="web_transport" type="someHTTPClass2, someAssembly"/>
<section name="fixed_line_parser" type="someParserClass3, someAssembly" />
<section name="regular_expression_parser" type="someParserClass4, someAssembly" />
<section name="database_loader" type="someDbLoaderClass5, someAssembly" />
and then something like this to drive the program:
<process name="File1">
<process name="File2">