I support a website written in Tcl which displays data in Traditional Chinese (big5). We then have a Java servlet, using the translation code from mandarintools.com, to translate a page request into Simplified Chinese. The conversion as specified to the translation code is from UTF-8 to UTF-8S; Java is apparently correctly translating the data to UTF-8 as it comes in.
The Java translation code works but is slow, and since the website is written in Tcl someone on another list suggested I try using that. Unfortunately, Tcl doesn't support UTF-8S and I have been unable to figure out what translation to use in its place. I've tried gb2312, gb2312-raw,gb1988, euc-cn... all result in gibberish. My assumption is that Tcl is also translating to UTF-8 as it comes in, though I have tried converting from big5 first and it doesn't help.
My test code looks like this:
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 $page_body]
ns_write $translated_page_body
I have also tried
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 [encoding convertfrom big5 $page_body]]
ns_write $translated_page_body
But it didn't change anything.
Does anyone out there have enough experience with this to help me figure it out?