Our software shop does a big enterprisey system and one of its part is a sophisticated monitoring and log viewer tool. Recently one of our teems rewrote it, since previous version was really lacking some essential features. And it was really ugly.
Since this team is bored with enterprisey stuff and they heard of IoC and Spring ("Seems to be cool, ya?"), they thought it's a good idea to use it in this app. As a result I have around 170 objects configured via Spring (almost every seen in app). Every simple object is connected via tag. Of course everything is a singleton so adding a feature like multiple file processing is almost impossible.
May I assume that using Spring this way is quite "controversial"? I thought IoC and Spring suits other needs (like change of database driver or other dynamic configuration).
EDIT: GUI of this app is a little bit similar to Visual Studio GUI. So I have tab with log file (and this is one Spring component). I have tab for bookmarks (one Spring component). And so one: imagine that for every tab in Visual Studio you have one Spring component. And every component has interface only capable of connecting with other single component.
So it is possible to have to file tabs (configure two compoennts). But that means two bookmarks windows (which makes no sense - in VS you habe one for every file).
@Earwicker: almost every single class in this project is configured via Spring (file loader, file indexer, bookmark tab, file tab, colorizer tab)