



I am trying to insert a record. This code worked but has stopped working I don't know why. Here is the code:

                using (SAASDataContext dc = new SAASDataContext())
                    tblAssessment a2 = new tblAssessment();

                    a2.AssessmentCentreId = centreId;
                    a2.AttemptNumber = 1;


                    CurrentAssessmentId = a2.AssessmentId;

The code compiles but throws the exception in the title of this question on the dc.SubmitChanges(); line.

Notes: AssessmentCentreId is a foreign key on tblCentre, centreId is a valid existing centre id, AssessmentCentreId and AttemptNumber are the only not null fields all other columns allow nulls.

I have googled but all the results seem to pertain to people trying to attach entities pulled from other disconnected DataContext's I'm not doing that so I'm stumped.



dc.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false;

at the top of the using block makes it work, but I'd like to know why coz I have no idea at the moment sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic right now :)


If these are the only non-null columns, where is the primary key? LINQ to SQL requires a primary key to insert data. If you're using AssessmentCentreId on its own or along with AttemptNumber as a composite, are you sure you're not trying to insert a duplicate key?

Brandon Gano
The primary key is also non null, and is an autonumber identity(1,1)

This was bugging me as well. I did some searching and found a lot of confusion and some sloppy work-arounds regarding detached entities. I then found a nice solution on codeplex that has solved the immediate issue and has greatly extended linq2sql functionality. Its a small class thats really easy to implement and forms an EntityBase for your projects dbml's.

Here is the offical description and link. LINQ to SQL Entity Base is a simple base class that is primarily designed to support LINQ to SQL in a disconnected way, which is one of the shortcomings of the LINQ to SQL technology at the present time. This is highly useful in an n-Tier, distributed or ASP.NET environment where disconnected functionality is relavent.

Hope this helps anyone who is having similar.

Jerome Vernon


The issue is that the Centre object doesn't exist in the context. It's in the db, but not "in your hand" with a2. Try this:

a2.AssessmentCentre = dc.AssessmentCentres.SingleOrDefault(

The AssessmentCentre object will then exist in the context, which means there will be no problem with attaching it to a2.
