



They reason i want to do this is so that I can actually have some control over the popup because there is a certain button that I'd like to click.


Edit: using windows forms, here is the code for the webbrowser control

WebBrowser w = new WebBrowser();
        w.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
        w.Location = new Point(0, 34);
        w.MinimumSize = new Size(20, 20);
        w.Name = "Webbrowser";
        w.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
        w.Size = new Size(616, 447);
        w.TabIndex = 1;

        w.NewWindow += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(w_NewWindow);
        w.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(w_DocumentCompleted);

The URL I broswers to has a popup which I don't want to close, but rather put into a new webbrowser control as opposed to IE if possible.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

Look into Modial Windows. That works for only IE. However you can do the same with JavaScript and JQuery Ui Core has a nice on.

David Basarab
+2  A: 

If I understand your question...

Take a look at the NewWindow2 event. In particular, you want to set the ppDisp parameter to a "new InternetExplorer" object.
