




Is it possibly in java to attempt a cast and get a null if the cast fails?

+13  A: 

You can use the instanceof keyword to determine if you can cast correctly.

return obj instanceof String?(String)obj: null;

Of course it can be genericied and made into the function, but I think question was about what means Java have to accomplish this.

I'm not sure that's what shoosh wants. Probably a more generic way to treat the cast is needed. This would be the perfect answer for "How do I validated my object is instance of a given class" though :)
Needs an "else" clause...
Michael Myers
I think we are not here to solve problems for others, but provide guidance. So pointing the right direction should be enough.

AFAIK, this would be (one) of the ways to do that:

SomeClassToCastTo object = null;
try {
  SomeClassToCastTo object = SomeClassToCastTo.class.cast(anotherObject);
catch (ClassCastException e) {
  object = null;

Ugly, but it should do what you want...

That's not a good case for using the reflective "cast()" method. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/243811/when-should-i-use-the-java-5-method-cast-of-class for more info.
Agreed, I had a brain fart and forgot about the `instanceof` operator.
creating an exception in this case could be avoided. exceptions are objects, so it's nice not to create them unnecessarily.

In Java if a cast fails you will get a ClassCastException. You can catch the exception and set the target object to null.


you can handle this catching ClassCastException

Every time an Exception gets thrown, there's a lot of overhead involved. That's why Exceptions should be just that--an "exception." Exception handling should be reserved for events that are truly exceptional. When exceptions become the rule, you're programming wrong. Far better to use type checking.

You can either catch the exception:

Foo f = null;
try {
  f = Foo(bar);
catch (ClassCastException e) {}

or check the type:

Foo f = null;
if (bar instanceof Foo)
  f = (Foo)bar;
Empty catch blocks are a very bad habit... actually, I think the compiler should slap you in the face when you do it ;). And anyway, you should never rely on exceptions for something you can check without an exception being thrown.
Thomas Levesque
Which is why I also gave the version without an exception.
+5  A: 

You can, but not with a single function in Java:

public B nullCast(Object a) {

  if (a instanceof B) {
     return (B) a;
  } else {
     return null;

EDIT: Note that you can't make the B class generic (for this example) without adding the target class (this has to do with the fact that a generic type is not available to instanceof):

public <V, T extends V> T cast(V obj, Class<T> cls) {
  if (cls.isInstance(obj)) {
    return cls.cast(obj);
  } else {
    return null;
Kathy Van Stone
Yes, but I was giving the general idea, not a specific method.
Kathy Van Stone
+1  A: 
MyType e = ( MyType ) orNull( object, MyType.class );
// if "object" is not an instanceof MyType, then e will be null.


public static Object orNull( Object o , Class type ) { 
    return type.isIntance( o ) ? o : null;

I guess this could somehow done with generics also but I think but probably is not what is needed.

This simple method receives Object and returns Object because the cast is performed in the method client.

+29  A: 
public static <T> T as(Class<T> t, Object o) {
  return t.isInstance(o) ? t.cast(o) : null;


MyType a = as(MyType.class, new MyType());   
// 'a' is not null

MyType b = as(MyType.class, "");   
// b is null
@erickson: This is perfect! +10 if I could ( I knew generic could be used here :P ) I added a sample usage , feel free to rollback if you feel like.
+1 for compile-time safety
Thanks Oscar, very nice!

The two solutions above are somewhat awkward:

Casting and catching ClassCastException: creating the exception object can be expensive (e.g. computing the stack trace).

The nullCast method described earlier means you need a cast method for each cast you want to perform.

Generics fail you because of "type erasure" ...

You can create a static helper method that is guaranteed to return an instance of your target class or null, and then cast the result without fear of exception:

public static Object nullCast(Object source, Class target) {
    if (target.isAssignableFrom(source.getClass())) {
        return target.cast(source);
    } else {
        return null;

Sample call:

Foo fooInstance = (Foo) nullCast(barInstance, Foo.class);
Harold L