




I've got a table in my database where there can only be 1 row per non-identity attribute tuple. Whenever we insert a row, we first check to see if a row exists with those values, if not, we insert it, otherwise we use the ID from the existing row.

In the example below, there would be a Unique Index on (Id) and (Attr1, Attr2, Attr3)

| Id | Attr1 | Attr2 | Attr3 |
| 1  |  A    |  A    |  B    |
| 2  |  B    |  A    |  B    |
| 3  |  C    |  A    |  B    |
| 4  |  D    |  A    |  B    |
| 5  |  E    |  A    |  B    |

What is this pattern called?

+4  A: 

It's called First Normal Form: Table faithfully represents a relation and has no "repeating groups"

Robert Harvey
1NF is nothing special in relation to this example. This table would still be in 1NF without the ID.
Cade Roux

There's no particular name for this pattern.

You have a natural primary key candidate on Attr1, Attr2, Attr3 and a surrogate primary key candidate on ID. You can make one the primary key and create a unique index on the other. You can choose either for clustering depending on your needs (I would first consider the surrogate).

Cade Roux