



i have a div i want to drag confined in a particular container. i tried using the containment: parent option but this results in the div getting snapped to upper or lower bounds without dragging. i have overflow:hidden set, i hope that is not a problem. (i read it somewhere)

pls help me out.

the code:


$(document).ready(function() { 
    containment: '#imgContainer', 
    scroll: false

the #draggable is a div that contains the img, and #draggable is appended to imgContainer. i hope this helps somehow.


The following works perfectly for me (You'll have to modify the containment plots to match your draggable element dimensions though):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us">
      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

     <script type='text/javascript'>

        containment: [-150,-150,0,0],
        scroll: 'false'

     <style type="text/css">
       #container {
      border:1px solid #cccccc;
       #draggable {
      background:#cc0000 url("");

      <div id="container">
     <div id="draggable"></div>

Jonathan Sampson
that does work. but the main point has not been included. i mentioned that i have the overflow:hidden CSS property set for the image to be dragged. the image is larger than the container.
amit - I've updated the code to include an image larger than the container, and used overflow:hidden on the container. The main difference is the containment value - you use a series of plots this time, [x1,y1,x2,y2].
Jonathan Sampson
works like a charm. but the right and bottom areas are still exposed. i mean to say the image continues to drag left and top to display the background on the right and bottom area of the div.
You need to modify the plots provided. Mine were for a different-sized image.
Jonathan Sampson
what if i have different images of different sizes? how do i cope with that?
You can likely work up a small equation using $(".selector").width() and $(".selector").height() to automatically determine those plots.
Jonathan Sampson
But then you need to redo that if the user does something like resize his browser window; the ideal solution would just to have the jQuery draggable obey the conainment parameter, even if its own contiainer if larger than that of the containment element.
El Yobo
Further to my last comment - if you set the container to scroll:auto and position:relative, then the draggable will cause the container to scroll when it hits the edge. This might also be useful (it was exactly what I was after anyway).
El Yobo

for me is quite a perfect solution, but it doesn't work when I set "margin: auto" to the container


I recently ran into this same problem. I extracted my code into a plugin which I think does exactly what you're after...

details here:


I set this up on my website and it works great in all browsers except ie 7 - Any solutions? Anyone?
