I work on an application which is extendable using VBScript. I have access to the VB6 form and can add controls and reference other controls on the form. I am also able to launch .Net forms via interop.
What I would like to be able to do is to create a reference to a .Net component and hand it a reference to a VB6 Frame or SSTab and then have the component create an interop user control and place it in the Frame/SSTab. If I use just VBScript to do this I do something like the following:
set frame = Form.Controls("Frame1")
set cmd1 = Form.Controls.Add("vb.commandbutton", "Cmd1")
cmd1.Container = frame
cmd1.Visible = true
I expected to be able to do something similar in the InteropUserControl. There is a property called Container on the interop user control, but it is read only, so I'm not sure how to get the control into a parent container.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Shane Holder