please tell me, where do i get a link to install QT with MinGW cross compiler in Linux?
Thank you
please tell me, where do i get a link to install QT with MinGW cross compiler in Linux?
Thank you
There is no link. MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) is platform specific and Windows-only. On Suse the required compiler GCC and all its dependencies should already be present, so MinGW is unneccessary there.
For QT for linux head over to the Trolltech Download page.
Fedora 11 comes with the MingW cross compiler (mingw32-gcc, mingw32-g++, etc.) and Win32 packages for Qt (mingw32-qt). You could try using Fedora instead of Suse, or the packages may install on Suse with a bit of coaxing.
All you need is just three commands from you:
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/windows:/mingw:/win32/openSUSE_11.3/ mingw zypper mr -r mingw zypper install mingw32-libqt4-devel
change 11.3 to to the openSUSE version you have.
The dependencies for .exe compiled through that toolchain can be resolved by fetching .dll files from /usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/ directory.
Best Regards, Damian