



I have a set of properties defined, the values are all stored as strings. I need to return a new set of properties where the value of each new property may derived in one of 3 ways.

  1. A direct copy of a specific source value.
  2. A default value.
  3. The result of some logic applied to the values of 1 or more source properties.

My approach to this problem was to create a IMappable interface that defines a method GetValue(Dictionary SourceValues).

For each result I defined an implementation of this interface with the required logic in this method.

I have a factory method that returns an IMappable based on the property name:

private IMappable GetMapper(string LocalPropertyName)
   char[] Chars = LocalPropertyName.ToCharArray();
   Chars[0] = Char.ToUpper(Chars[0]);
   string ClassName = new string(Chars) + "Mapping";

      Assembly AssemblyInstance = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
      Type ClassType = AssemblyInstance.GetType("MyNamespace.Rules." + ClassName, false, true);  
      return (IMappable) System.Activator.CreateInstance(ClassType);
   catch (System.Exception e)
       //No Mapper exists
       return new DefaultMapping(LocalPropertyName);


Is this the best way to approach this problem?

It feels like the most elegenat but I'm worried about the performance hit of dynamic class loading.


Is it slow? Profile it under test and then worry about how slow or not it is.,

Preet Sangha