You can get the credentials used to perform the shutdown by looking at verbose WMI logs.
1) Enable verbose WMI logging
- Run 'Wmimgmt.msc' (also available under My Computer > 'Manage' > 'Services and Applications' > 'WMI Control')
- Select 'WMI Control (Local)', right click --> select 'Properties'
- Select 'Logging' Tab, set 'Logging level' to Verbose
2) Look at the WMI log files (Default location: %WINDIR%\system32\wbemLogs) to see record of remote access and actions taken. Specifically, look at wbemcore.log
Example: When I logged in remotely I saw the following entry [<domain>
and <username>
here were the real ones used for the remote connection]:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>) : DCOM connection from <domain>\<username>
at authentiction level Packet, AuthnSvc = 9, AuthzSvc = 1, Capabilities = 0
Then, to execute the WMI method the student would need to GetObject Win32_OperatingSystem, which showed up like this:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>): CALL CWbemNamespace::GetObject
BSTR ObjectPath = win32_operatingsystem
long lFlags = 0
And finally you'd look for executing the Win32Shutdown method, which should log something like this:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>) : CALL CWbemNamespace::ExecMethodAsync
BSTR ObjectPath = Win32_OperatingSystem
BSTR MethodName = Win32Shutdown