



I am having trouble printing my diagrams, I seem to be getting portions of the diagram blocked out, etc. I've tried several different computers, printers, and databases, so it seems to be a problem with SSMS Express itself.

Is this just the way it is?

Are there any decent workarounds, or does anyone use a 3rd party product (preferably free or cheap) that can cleanly integrate with SQL Server?

+1  A: 

Not sure if this will help you or not, but I usually print to PDF via CutePDF Writer.

+5  A: 

Within the diagram, do a Copy Diagram to Clipboard from the edit menu, and then paste into a new Microsoft Word document. From there, you can scale the drawing as you wish.

If you have a printer capable of printing to 11 x 17 paper, this works well. I have been able to print schemas with 30 tables this way onto a single page, and the table objects are very nearly actual size.

Robert Harvey
I don't often use the database diagrams, but I'll use this option when I need to print one. This definitely helps to overcome the incomplete "arrange tables" option in SSMS. "Arrange Tables" in SSMS does what it says -- arranges the tables -- but rather poorly. It doesn't have options (or attempt) to use the fewest sheets possible or avoid page breaks in it's layout.Thanks!
Mike L
+2  A: 

Right click in a space area then choose " Copy diagram to Clipboard ".

Go to "Paint" paste it then print it.

Wahid Bitar
+1  A: 

Manual Solution: 1- Open the diagram in SSMS 2- Right-Click and select 'View Page Breaks' (If your diagram is displayed across multiple pages, go to #3) 3- drag-and-drop all of you table items into one page space (you are done!) 4- Use the Zoom drop-down control to view your tables (i.e. Fit to, 10%, ... 100%) 5- save As Whatever name you want 6- Print your diagram, and it will fit to one page.

-Each one teach one,
